Itinerary Review Service

Unlock the Secrets to Unforgettable Journeys

Elevate Your Journey with Our Expertise

Over 219 reviews purchased

Introducing a Service that Will Elevate Your Travel to Unprecedented Heights
I'd like to introduce you to a service that will redefine your concept of luxury travel. But let's pause for a moment. You see, I know something crucial about you. You're not just any traveler. You have higher standards and demand more than most. You deserve more than the standard fare in travel - and that's precisely what we're here to help you attain.

Hold that thought, I'll tell you all about it in a minute. But first, let's address the elephant in the room. The world of travel is filled with promises, yet so often, these promises fall short. You're left wondering, "Could my journey be more extraordinary?" This is where our Itinerary Review Service (IRS) steps in, a pioneering concept in the realm of luxury travel.

The Unspoken Truth of Luxury Travel
In the serious, high-stakes world of business, health, and law, second opinions are a given. They're the safety net that ensures you're on the right path. But when it comes to travel, this level of scrutiny is often overlooked. Why? Shouldn't your travel experiences, your life's best stories and memories, receive the same level of attention and expertise?

You, as a discerning individual, understand the value of insights and expertise. The Itinerary Review Service is that expert voice for your travel plans, ensuring that your investment in travel gives you a return that goes beyond the extraordinary. GUARANTEED

    This is for YOU if:
  • You love planning your own travel and are likely to spend upwards of £70,000 on your next trip
  • You're about to spend a significant amount of money with a travel agent
  • You demand the best in life
  • You're a P.A, E.A, or Family Office staff responsible for arranging personal or professional travel for your employer
  • Your family prioritises how your time is spent above all else
  • You value the second opinions provided by professionals like doctors, lawyers or wealth advisors.
  • You want impactful and unique travel experience your family will never forget

Imagine a Scenario...
You're on the verge of investing a more than £70,000 in a trip. It's a significant commitment, and you've either meticulously planned it yourself or entrusted it to a professional. But something niggles at the back of your mind. Could this experience be elevated? Could the memories be even more vivid? Could this tell an incredible story rather than just be a series of random bookings?

Enter the Itinerary Review Service. It's a first. A valuable second opinion. A revolutionary travel design review service. We are your personal travel consultants, elevating every aspect of your journey from excellent to exceptional.

But here's what you might not realize...
While most travel services offer you generic experiences, we believe in disrupting this dull status quo. We believe your travel should be as unique as your DNA – a unique story of originality, exclusivity, and unmatched luxury connected to your specific needs and preferences.

This is the heart of the Itinerary Review Service. We take your itinerary, analyse it with unmatched expertise, and enhance every detail, every possibility, to enrich your experience.

We GUARANTEE that when you receive your report you'll get at least what you paid back in tangible value.

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    Eliminate These Common Travel Planning Headaches:
  • Companies who prioritise their commercial interests over creating the best possible experience for you
  • The hours involved in researching, ideating, writing, planning and dealing with admin etc.
  • Not trusting yourself or a travel agent to make the best possible decisions
  • Dealing with sales consultants who don't know first-hand what they're selling
  • Lacking years of valuable in-country expertise tested and confirmed by years of repeat clients
  • Being frustrated by people who don't understand your needs, or your sense of originality
  • Not knowing how to design really impactful experiences
  • Emailing or calling people who don't understand the subtleties of all your desires
  • Needing to send, receive and read too many emails
  • Speaking to people located in inconvenient time zones
  • Liaising with people who may not speak your language
  • Dealing with people who don't really understand your world or your specific needs

What You're Currently Missing...
In your world, time is the ultimate luxury. The Itinerary Review Service respects that, saving you over at least 70 hours of planning, refining, and questioning. We validate or enhance your decisions, ensuring your journey is optimized for the ultimate travel experience. We give you insights into experience design that few even travel professionals are aware of, let alone share with clients.

And it gets better...
Your journey is more than a trip; it's a reflection of your hard work. With the Itinerary Review Service, you're not just planning travel or a vacation; you're curating indelible memories that will resonate for a lifetime, memories that become part of your legacy.

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Now, take the next step...

Join The Waitlist

Only people on our waitlist will be notified when our limited time annual Itinerary Review Service offering opens and closes.

Once you've bought your Itinerary Review Service it will be valid for one year.

You can choose to apply it to any trip you wish.

All you'll have to do is use the purchase details we provide to access our site then it's three easy steps:
    1. Upload your itinerary
    2. Answer a few important questions
    3. Invest in your travel perfection with a couple of clicks
    4. Your bespoke report will be with you in just three working days

Yes, within just three working days, you'll receive your bespoke report from the industry's best.

To download an edited example report click here.

And remember, we GUARANTEE that when you receive your report you'll get at least what you paid back in tangible value.

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    Your 30-page Bespoke Itinerary Review Service Report:
  • Will be based on the itinerary you provide and your answers to our questions
  • Be the result of a brainstorm and ideation session with our design team
  • Will have been run through a forensic 300-point checklist
  • Might involve input from in-country experts, friends, journalists, guides or academics
  • Will include an Executive Summary outlining our most key observations
  • Considers your, trip story, logistics, accommodation, dining, activities, guides & specific needs
  • Includes day by day detail
  • Gives you concrete advice on how to elevate your plans to make them more utterly memorable
  • Touches on risk mitigation
  • Shares the secrets of our unique experience design process
  • Explains how to benefit from the AAA approach to travel design
  • Gives you suggestions for how to plan your travel more effectively
  • Covers Regenerative and Sustainable Travel

Hear from Others Who've Experienced the Benefits of the Itinerary Review Service:

"I thought I had my family's trip all figured out. The service showed me possibilities I hadn't even considered. The difference was night and day."
– John C., Director J.P Morgan
"After using the Itinerary Review Service, my itinerary (and trip) felt like a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I'm proud to say it wasn't just a trip; it was a masterpiece."
– Emma R., NYC, U.S.A
"I've always planned our family trips. The service gave me insights that turned our holiday into an unforgettable adventure."
– Sarah L., Family Travel Planner, London

This Is Your Moment...
Step into a realm where travel design goes beyond mere bookings and destinations. It becomes an extension of your demanding nature, your tastes, your aspirations.

With Brown + Hudson's Itinerary Review Service, experience the zenith of bespoke travel, exclusively tailored for you. Guaranteed.

Act today. Welcome to your journey elevated.

    Unlock These Exclusive Benefits with the Itinerary Review Service:
  • Revel in the reassurance and confidence that comes with having insights from experts that allow you to improve and refine your itinerary
  • Achieve hero status with your family or employer designing unforgettable travel experiences
  • Secure the peace of mind that every aspect of your journey is optimized for unparalleled enjoyment and value
  • We GUARANTEE that when you receive your report you'll get at least what you paid back in tangible value. In fact, we'll go further and guarantee that you'll get at least 5 times what you paid back in value from us

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Download our sample reportFAQs
And remember, we GUARANTEE that when you receive your report you'll get at least what you paid back in tangible value.

What our clients are saying

"Brown + Hudson...goes to extraordinary degrees to arrange entirely bespoke trips, layered with top-notch experiences. It will cost you, but you get the feeling that it costs the boss Philippe more; he will not sleep until everything is the best best best."

- Melinda Stevens, Editor Conde Nast Traveller, The Gold Issue

"Our family have used the services of Brown + Hudson for a number of years now and they have always crafted amazing holidays and experiences, both around our input as well as their suggestions. Each journey has created many happy and lasting lasting memories.
Who could ask for more?"

- The Allen Family, USA

"I discovered a "bespoke" travel consultant named Brown+Hudson. What I got was a service that catered to my preferences right down to whether I liked a boutique hotel or a five-star experience or wanted a veggie meal instead of meat. "What did I want to see?" they asked, before getting to work. The company's mission is to get you what you want, no matter how unusual the request. In my case, they sent a travel expert in advance of my arrival, to look into things I had fantasized about, and we enjoyed a week of discovery in a faraway country."

- Gerald Ezkenazi, The New York Times

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Frequently Asked Questions

The Itinerary Review Service is a bespoke service that will give you an impartial expert second opinion on a trip you're planning or are about to ask another travel agent to book for you. We offer this service for trips ranging from 1 to 20 days, ensuring that your trip is impactful and memorable. In the process we teach you the secrets of experience design and how to elevate your travel to new heights.

The Itinerary Review Service is offered for sale once or perhaps twice a year to a exclusive waitlist for a limited period only.

The Itinerary Review Service is perfect for you if you value your and your family's time and care about how you spend it. If consider and value second opinions in other important areas of life. If you're a P.A, E.A or working on your employer's personal or professional travel in a Family Office you're certain to benefit from this service.

This service will deliver most benefit to you, your party or your corporate retreat if you're planning to invest over £70,000 on your project and if you see the value of involving the world's most creative and insightful travel experience designers in your work.

Once you've bought the service you have one year to use it on the trip of your choice.

The process simple. Upload the itinerary you'd like to be reviewed and answer a few important questions.

If needed, we may call you for clarification either your answers to our questions or perhaps the itinerary you uploaded. Then, within two working days, we send you with a comprehensive report reviewing all aspects of your trip.

Your 20 + page bespoke report will be based on the itinerary you upload and your answers to our key questions.

Our travel experience design team will begin your itinerary review process with a brainstorm and ideation session to unlock new ideas, memorable stories, impactful possibilities for you. They'll run through a detailed 300-point checklist that considers your trip story, logistics, accommodation, dining, activities, guides and specific needs. They'll go into day-by-day detail and give you practical concrete advice on how to elevate your plans and make them utterly memorable. To go further on your behalf, they might involve in-country experts, friends, notable journalists, guides or academics. They'll call people who know people who know really interesting people who can add insights and value to your itinerary.

Risk mitigation, regenerative and sustainable travel are important subjects they'll cover. In the pages of the report, you'll discover the secrets of our unique experience design process, how to benefit from the AAA approach to travel design and how to plan all your travel more effectively.

And lastly, for those who like the short story they'll provide an Executive Summary and a summary of our Key Observations.

Well, they've been designing travel experiences for the world's most interesting and demanding clients for years. Our team is composed of experts, thinkers and over-thinkers. They think big, never take things at face value and never ever settle.

They're creative, playful types who've travelled a lot and who've studied the fine art and science of luxury travel design.

Experienced in dealing with logistically complex trips, they know huge amounts about the places you'll want to travel in and involve others who can take your travel to new heights. They're interesting and generous types who will probably teach you more about travel and how to get more from your precious time travelling than you ever thought possible. 

Some are a little crazy, some are misfits and, yes Steve, most see things differently.  They believe that luxury travel can be way better and they are changing the world of travel one Itinerary Review Service at a time.

We recommend using this service as soon as your initial itinerary is drafted. This ensures that you have ample time to apply any recommendations we make. Getting an early start will also mean that you'll get all the benefits of the Anticipation phase of travel that we'll tell you something about in your report.

The questions help us understand your brief, goals, objectives, and requirements, allowing us to provide the most specific and bespoke advice.

For the fee of just £997 (inc vat), we'll review your itinerary for a trip lasting up to 10 full days. For a journey lasting from 11-20 days, your fee is £1997. More specialist experiences, remote exploration, sabbaticals, round the world trips etc. will benefit from bespoke pricing so please get in touch to tell us more.

If your trip is longer than 20 days great! Get in touch to tell us more and give you a bespoke quote.

Well maybe. It depends on the value you place on your family's travel time and getting the best outcomes from whatever investment you make. Most clients who have used the Itinerary Review Service have been about to invest in excess of £70,000 on their travel.

Of course. We're a reasonable bunch. Should your responses to the questions we ask be insufficiently detailed or if your itinerary is too rudimentary, it may limit our ability to deliver a comprehensive, helpful review service. If we feel we're not going to be able to add substantial value to any project submitted we will refund you in full. Also, please note that at present we do not offer this service to other travel professionals.

Not really. The Itinerary Review Service is not a comparison service. Indeed, its purpose is to give you input and insight. It elevates and adds-value to what you already have. However, if you really wanted to compare two itineraries then you could buy an Itinerary Review Service for each and we'd include an additional comparative review section to your final report.

Absolutely The service is suitable for individual travellers, couples, families, and corporate parties. Your recommendations will be specific to the dynamics of your travel party for an utterly bespoke and memorable experience.

The personalized nature of the service means that refunds are offered once the review process has commenced.

No. Your itinerary and brief are reviewed by real humans spending real time and involving other real people around the world. In addition to this, we will apply Brown + Hudson proprietary frameworks, tools and where relevant technology, including different AI tools, to give you the best outcomes.

A 300-point detailed checklist, review by country specialist, creative brainstorm, team review and involvement of in-country experts, We might contact people who know people who know people to suggest novel ideas you might not have considered. We will invest time researching, checking, double checking and drafting your bespoke report. We GUARANTEE that when you receive your report you'll get at least 5 times what you paid back in value from us.

Your report will consist of suggestions, questions to consider, and insights based on our years of experience, science and research. It covers logistics, accommodation, activities, and deliberate experience design, tailored to your unique preferences and requirements.

We can, however most clients prefer us to devote more time to areas we can add more value to. For matters relating to loyalty points and flight routing we'd suggest a travel agent focused on that sort of work.

Yes. Our expertise in handling complex arrangements of the highest standards ensures a thorough evaluation of your yacht and jet charter arrangements.

Yes. We specialize in customizing and enhancing luxury travel experiences. Please detail any special requests in the section provided for this purpose.

Whilst the focus of the service is about adding value, through our relationships with hotels and partners around the world we save our clients money every time they travel with us.

Great work takes time so after reviewing your requirements, your investment level and the time available before your trip we may be able to help you.

We are happy to provide further clarification on your report. Please send us an email we will reply post haste.

The service includes one comprehensive review based on your initial submission, your answers to our questions and occasionally a follow-up call. Any revisions once we have sent you your report may be subject to additional fees.

No. We will take the time to follow up with you if anything you submit is unclear to give us the best chance of adding value to your trip. However, our team will have committed time and expertise to your project, so all sales are final.

As you can imagine, we take your data security seriously. Your personal information and travel details are handled with the utmost confidentiality and in compliance with GDPR, the ICO guidelines and all other relevant data protection legislation.